Superted Wiki
Superted Wiki

Mufti is the helper of Prince Pyjamarama. Mufti claps his hands and shows Prince Rajeash the zoo keeper. Mufti gets Prince Pyjamarama's turban from the water fountain. He calls Prince Pyjamarama PJ. But Prince Pyjamarama is so angry with him. Mufti puts the light candles on. But he soon falls off. At sundown, Mufti rows a coconut and pushes Prince Rajeash in the water. Later that night, Mufti is asked to throw the dynamites to Superted, Spotty & Prince Rajeash by Prince Pyjamarama. But then, The dynamites bangs Prince Pyjamarama's pyjamas. Back at the palace, Prince Pyjamarama orders Mufti to dress as The white tiger and kidnap Prince Rajeash to the cave. The next day, Prince Pyjamarama and Mufti take Superted & Spotty to the cave. Prince Pyjamarama pulls the rope and The rocks fall onto Superted & Spotty. Mufti laughs with Prince Pyjamarama. Back at the palace, Prince Pyjamarama orders Mufti to find Prince Pyjamarama's lucky penny. Soon, Prince Pyjamarama is crowned by himself. But Superted, Spotty & Prince Rajeash stop Prince Pyjamarama and Mufti. Mufti runs with Prince Pyjamarama and Mufti and Prince Pyjamarama slip to the water fountain. Mufti was voiced by Bob Arbogast.